Adding, Renaming and Deleting Folders

Adding new folders and sub-folders is an easy process using either the Navigator Toolbar, Right-Click Menu or the Main Menu.

Folders or Sub-Folders - what's the difference?

There is no real difference between a Folder and a Sub-Folder. The terms are used to describe the items in the Navigator. A Sub-Folder is just a normal Folder but it's location (or level) is inside another folder:


In reality they are all sub-folders because they all belong under the section root folder. When you add a Sub-Folder, the new sub-folder will be directly under the selected folder. However, if you add a Folder, the new folder will be on the same level as the selected folder. eg: "Business" is on the same level as "Family" and "Friends", but "Abroad" is a sub-folder of "Business".

Adding, Renaming and Deleting

helper To Add a New Folder
arrowrightClick on the Navigator toolbar icon   Add a New Folder, or,
arrowrightFrom the Main Menu select Navigator/Add a New Folder, or,
arrowrightRight Click on a Folder's name and choose from the context menu, "Add a New Folder".
arrowrightYou could also press the keyboard shortcut equivalent: Ctrl+A

The new folder is then added and goes into edit mode so you can type in the appropriate name for your new folder.

helper To Add a New Sub-Folder
First select the appropriate parent folder:
arrowrightClick on the Navigator toolbar icon Add a New Sub-Folder, or,
arrowrightFrom the Main Menu select Navigator/Add a New Sub-Folder, or,
arrowrightRight Click on a Folder's name and choose from the context menu, "Add a New Sub-Folder".
arrowrightYou could also press the keyboard shortcut equivalent: Ctrl+F

The new sub-folder is then added to the selected parent folder and goes into edit mode so you can type in the appropriate name for your new sub-folder.

helper To Rename a Folder
arrowrightClick on the Navigator toolbar icon Rename, or,
arrowrightFrom the Main Menu select Navigator/Rename, or,
arrowrightRight Click on a Folder's name and choose from the context menu, "Rename".
arrowrightYou could also press the keyboard shortcut equivalent: F2

helper To Delete a Folder
First select the folder you wish to remove. A folder can't be deleted if the selected folder has sub-folders or contains records, eg: contacts:
arrowrightClick on the Navigator toolbar icon Delete, or,
arrowrightFrom the Main Menu select Navigator/Delete, or,
arrowrightRight Click on a Folder's name and choose from the context menu, "Delete".
arrowrightYou could also press the keyboard shortcut equivalent: Del

Related Topics


Moving and Sorting Folders

Customizing Visual Appearance of Folders

Changing a folder's icon

Changing a folder's font and colour